Export PDF files to Word and other formats using Acrobat XI

Learn how to convert PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, or PDF to PowerPoint.

By Adobe – December 15, 2014


In this tutorial, learn how to convert PDF to Word, PDF to Excel. or PDF to PowerPoint. When you need to update information in a PDF but don't have the original file, don't retype the entire piece. Simply save your PDF file as a Word, Excel, PowerPoint or HTML document and finish your edits faster. Not only do you reduce the time you spend retyping information stuck in PDF files, but you save fonts, formatting, and effort.

Convert PDF files to Word and other formats

Turn a PDF into a native Microsoft Office file, saving fonts, formatting, and tons of time.

Download 131.06 KB

Products covered:

Acrobat XI

Related topics:

Convert Word to PDF online, Convert Excel to PDF online, Convert PowerPoint to PDF online, Export PDFs

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Ivar Meisingset

10, 2016-03-02 02, 2016


I am trying to convert a complex PDF document to Word. It originated with XAIT Porter. All of the pages in the PDF are portrait, but some contain rotated images with captions. Adobe Acrobat converts these to landscape in the Word document. Is it because I am including OCR? How can I avoid it?

Lori Kassuba

5, 2016-02-12 12, 2016

Hi mathieu dibo,

You’ll need Acrobat and not just the free Reader to export a PDF to Word. Or, you can subscribe to the Export to PDF service: https://acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/products/export-pdf-online-pricing.html


mathieu dibo

3, 2016-01-12 12, 2016

I want to know how to convert a pdf file to word

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