How to add a reset button to PDF forms using Acrobat X or XI

Learn how to add a reset button to your fillable PDF forms to help users clear specific PDF form fields.

By Lori Kassuba – December 13, 2011


If you have Acrobat X or XI, you can add a reset button to fillable PDF forms to help users clear specific PDF form fields.

  • To begin, enter Form Edit mode by opening up the Tools pane, Forms panel, and selecting the Edit command.
  • Under the Tasks panel in the Forms Edit mode, click the Add New Field drop down and select Button.
  • Place the Button form field on your form and click the All Properties link. This will bring up the Button Properties dialog.
  • Click the Actions tab and choose Reset a form in the Select Action drop down menu.
  • Next, check the fields you want to reset in the Reset a Form dialog.
  • In the Options tab, type a text label for your field such as Reset.
  • And then click the General Tab of the Button Properties and select Visible but doesn’t print from the Form Field common properties. This will allow you to display the reset button but it won’t appear when the form is printed out.
  • When you are finished, click the Preview button, enter some data into your form, and then test the new Reset button.

The best time to add a Reset button to your PDF form is when you finish your form design and there are no more form fields to add. This way you won’t forget to reset, or not reset, certain fields.

Products covered:

Acrobat XIAcrobat X

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PDF Forms

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Lori Kassuba

5, 2015-05-06 06, 2015

Hi nalan,

You can use the Page Thumbnails navigation pane to delete pages. Is this what you’re looking for?



12, 2015-05-06 06, 2015

I have used a button to set a home page icon to my agenda page and reset to duplicate all pages, I cannot seem to find the button to delete this action on all pages as I need to change it however cannot find the button to delete all at once. There is only option to delete 1 page at a time. I have tried using the select all button but that doesn’t seem to work

Lori Kassuba

2, 2014-10-17 17, 2014

Hi jo,

Adobe Reader for Android has limited functionality, which is why the reset doesn’t work. Instead you could include instructions for the users to first create a copy of a blank form and use the copy to fill-in.



12, 2014-10-13 13, 2014

When I try to use this form on my android, it sends a message “unfortunately, adobe reader has stopped” and closes the form?? any advice?

Lori Kassuba

6, 2014-07-21 21, 2014

Hi Orla,

Try clicking just off to the side of the fields to select them.



6, 2014-07-18 18, 2014

I created a button to reset the form, but when I go to Actions, Reset form, Add… There are no fields to reset. Why is this happening the form has a lot of fields, why I can’t add the fields to reset?

Lori Kassuba

6, 2014-06-12 12, 2014

Hi R Holden,

What you can do is make the reset button “Visible but doesn’t print” under the General properties.


R Holden

3, 2014-06-09 09, 2014

is there any way of removing the reset button so that it does not appear on printed documents?

Lori Kassuba

2, 2014-02-06 06, 2014

Hi ADELE Metcalf,

Thanks so much for letting us know this quick tip was helpful for you.


ADELE Metcalf

11, 2014-02-03 03, 2014

Thank you, thank you!  I was at my wit’s end with this.  Oddly, I have many files with the Reset button that I put in, just could not recall the steps and needed it badly.

Lori Kassuba

2, 2013-10-17 17, 2013

Hi Sam,

When you create a reset button, you specify what form fields you want to reset for the entire form, not just one page. Unfortunately at this point the reset command does not work on the iPad, but what you can do is begin by creating a copy of the blank form and then working with the copy.



2, 2013-10-15 15, 2013

can I reset all fields on multiple pages of my form without having to add a button each page? and will the button be functional on an ipad?

Philippe Plouffe

9, 2012-12-19 19, 2012

thank you very much for this very informative video. In a few minutes you have solved my problem.


7, 2012-03-11 11, 2012

How do I use this reset button in a document with many pages and applying just to a specific page not for all?

During the reset operation you specify which fields you want to reset so you’ll need to just select those on your specific page.


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